A Tribute to the Exceptional Art of the Giles Miller Studio, London

In their own words:

"Giles Miller Studio believes in enriching the way we experience our surroundings.

We create innovative surfaces, sculpture and architecture. In each discipline, the studio brings new meaning to spaces by celebrating the relationship between materials and light.

The first consideration for any piece by Giles Miller Studio is always its environment – whether that is a natural landscape or the tone and direction of light in a public building. The resulting work brings a defining character to the surrounding space.

Giles Miller Studio is engaged in an ongoing experiment into the relationship between materials and light, in the constant pursuit of creative and technical originality. Its work is the result of a marriage of client ambitions and the creative trajectory of the studio.

The characteristic Giles Miller Studio aesthetic comes from the fusion of technology with the handmade. The resulting complexity of meticulously arranged components creates richness, tactility, depth and allure.

Giles Miller Studio has created acclaimed and award-winning work for some of the world’s most prestigious brand-names across a variety of industries.  The scope and scale of the studio’s work ranges from miniature individual components to artworks the size of buildings.

OUR COMMITMENT:  Giles Miller Studio pledges a proportion of every project to the charity Cancer Research. Every commissioned project will in turn contribute to this vital charity, which is working tirelessly to bring forward the day when all cancer is cured."

Copyright © 2019 giles miller studio ltd​

Giles Miller Image Gallery

Giles Miller Website