What is a SourceBook? A SourceBook is an accumulation of resources that form a core of information about an Industry or a Community. Members of this Community are consistently researching information, whether it be to gain inspiration; or to find solutions to problems; or to become better informed. We believe that all members of this Community share the responsibility to excel at the Design and Implementation of upscale Interior Projects. Through this portal, we endeavor to provide the means of obtaining the necessary information to make everyone's job successful.
Source-Book.com is a Nexus of Information for a Community comprised of Architectural Interior Designers, Interior Product Manufacturers, and Interior Construction Trades. This Community is instrumental in creating extraordinary interior environments for Public & Private structures; facilitating practical and tasteful interior products; and solving personal and public needs for interior spaces.
Source-Book.com is an online Community Resource Directory, of & for the benefit of:
- Community Members, who contribute valuable resource data about Projects, Products, and Services they provide…
- Community Members, who wish to collaborate on Interior Projects with Design & Manufacturing Solutions…
- Community Members, who wish to promote Design & Manufacturing capabilities; successful projects; and the new introductions of products and services…
Source-Book.com is an online Information Resource for the benefit of:
- Subscribers, who can search the resource database for Design & Manufacturing sources; technical data on products and services; current industry News & Events…
- Subscribers, who can peruse galleries of product finishes, patterns, and designs for inspiration…
- Subscribers, who can gain valuable insight and understanding of the Design & Manufacturing process…
- Source-Book.com is common ground for the sharing of ideas and accomplishments.
Source-Book.com is about inspiration; about recognition; and about the power of the Community.